

While we are breathing, we always have a never ending chances. We hope, We wish. We look forward in finding real happiness. We build faith to fate that after the darkest moment, after we had pulled down our only choice is to climb up and hold the light.

Slowly we gain respect for and from others. We trust, we share, we create  new roads for our journey, we meet people at the crossroads, some leave marks in our hearts, some becomes dearest, few says goodbye for good. Where ever our path leads us it teaches us lesson, for us to be ready on facing the future challenges.

We fall, we cry but we don’t just stand but we fly and soar high.

We keep memories, valued the simple gestures from special someone. Cherished those special moments that serves as strength when trouble comes.

The weight of possibilities are just balance. It is just a matter of perspective on how we see our life. The world may turns up side down but as long as you believe that everything happens for a reason the world will smile at you or perhaps share some good laughs with you. 🙂

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